In 2022, interest in NFT will decrease

Last year, according to Google Trends, interest in the word NFT was very high. But as the latest information now shows in February, the number of requests related to NFT began to decrease. But in March this indicator began to decline even more.

Earlier, at the end of December last year, the word NFT peaked on requests and surpassed even the phrase cryptocurrency assets. This was due to the fact that a lot of people became interested in cryptocurrencies as such and many famous people began to invest in them, simultaneously advertising them. NFT has also been trending among influencers and users.

It is not yet clear why interest in NFT is declining, perhaps more comprehensive information will be available by the summer, when it will be clear how the situation in the cryptocurrency market will change.

It can be assumed that interest began to decline after a lot of NFT objects began to appear on the sites and some of them turned out to be fake or not having such value as their creators claimed.

If the decline in interest in NFT continues, then those experts who claimed that in 2022 NFTs will cease to be as interesting as before for users, although they will not disappear completely, will be right.
